Is WordPress suficient for this project or should I use a framework or a different CMS?

I am a web Designer that recently decided to expand into developer waters as well :). What I have in mind is to build an elaborate portfolio site that will also contain a blog. The sites sections will be standard for such a project – something like Home, About, Portfolio, Contact and Blog.

The Home page will contain some static parts but also feeds from the latest additions to the portfolio and the blog.

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The Portfolio page will have sections on the different types of portfolio pieces (like logo, print, web etc).

The About will be completely static.

The Contact page will be static and will have a contact form.

The Blog page will basically have your standard WordPress blog structure.

At first I was thinking of doing the whole thing in WordPress (since I already have some experience with it) but what got me thinking about different options was the portfolio part. I want the portfolio page to be quite differently stylized than the blog page and yet I want to have the possibility of doing quick and easy additions to it trough an admin panel.

So please give me suggestions and direction about what would be best for me to do? Is this thing possible with WordPress? Should I instead code the whole project with CodeIgniter (or a similar framework)?

I am quite good with HTML & CSS. Comfortable with jQuery. Trying to get better with PHP :).
I am willing to learn and improve and wouldn’t mind trying a CMS or a Framework that Ive not had experience with before.

Thank you.

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  1. WordPress is more than sufficient. You might want to find some plugins that allow you to add special content like videos, scripts and other things to portfolio pages. Also knowing html, css well is important if you want to build or modify a theme a lot to your liking. It is also very helpful to know some php if not be very experienced with it. MySql is helpful as well but not as need to know.

    This WordPress PHP function sheet is very helpful at times.

    The WordPress Codex page is also very good. Not an end all be all, you’ll still need to know how to do things on your own, but it defiantly will get the ball rolling if want want any custom functions, or want to modify functions.