Is This A Correct Example Usage Of current_filter()?

Is this a good example of usage of current_filter()?

add_filter("_my_filter", "common_function");
add_filter("_another_filter", "common_function");
function common_function(){
  $currentFilter = current_filter();
  switch ($currentFilter) {
    case '_my_filter':
      echo "Called by My Filter";
    case '_another_filter':
      echo "Called by another filter";

So I am guessing current_filter() is used to get the name of the filter for which the current execution is happening?

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  1. Hi @Raj Sekharan:

    Looks good to me, but is wanting to know the current usage really your question or do you want to understand where current_filter() gets it’s information from?

    If the latter, here’s basically what happens in all the different hook processing functions, e.g. do_action(), apply_filters(), do_action_ref_array(), apply_filters_ref_array() (greatly simplified, of course):

    function <process_hook>($hook, $value) {
      global $wp_filter, $wp_current_filter;
      $wp_current_filter[] = $hook;  // "Push" the hook onto the stack.
      $value = call_user_func($wp_filter[$hook]['function'],$value);
      return $value;

    Then all that current_filter() does is retrieve the last hook “pushed” onto the global wp_current_filter array, i.e.:

    function current_filter() {
      global $wp_current_filter;
      return end( $wp_current_filter );
  2. In general—yes, this is a valid usage. If I were you I would pass different functions to the different filters and abstract the common parts in other function(s).

    This way any of your function will do exactly one thing.