Possible duplicate:
Whatâs open-source commenting system are available?
I’m looking for a way to implement Facebook/Twitter/OpenID/… authentication on my WordPress blog.
I have found plugins for Twitter, plugins for Facebook, plugins for OpenID.. but I’m afraid integration of all thos plugins will be tough.
Also, I have found RPX that is doing the job perfectly, but I would prefer an open source soultion rather than relying on RPX web service.
Would you have any clue?
Here’s another one that depends on a web service: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gigya-socialize-for-wordpress/
It seems like this is a common thing. Integrating so many logins is complicated enough that it kind of makes sense that no one has made one plugin that handles them all.
You can also use GIGYA for this. The site link is gigya.com
And plugin URL is : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gigya-socialize-for-wordpress/
After several trials, the best for me is http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/social-connect/
Here you can find some details on installing it