I currently have the following plugins activated in my wordpress installation:
row 1:
row 2:
Subscribe via feedburner RSS/email
row 3:
Topsy tweet widget, FB like widget, WP-Email a friend widget
I want to change the order in which they appear.
I want widgets in row 3 to appear first, outbrain widget to appear last, in row 3. How do i achieve this?
Although I can fiddle a little bit with PHP if the solution requires, I prefer an independent plugin to take care of the ordering if there exists one!
From your comment it looks like you almost got it,
Plugins that add something under your content usually
use the_content
filter by calling a function usingadd_filter
for example outbarin plugin calls it like this:so the way your can order them is by passing the priority parameter
But changing it directly on the plugin’s files is not the right way since next time you will update the plugin you will lose these changes, so the right way to do it is to add an action after the plugins were loaded using the
action hook and remove the filters they added and then re add this filters using your desired order:hope this helps