Is there a plugin that will completely remove the category system?

I have no use in categorizing/tagging my posts with anything, at all, and it doesn’t look very good to have every post say “filed under: uncategorized.”

Is there any plugin to do this, or do I need to do some manual editing?

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  1. Why hack apart what’s already there? If you remove the built in taxonomies, you’ll end up creating hiccups in core code that expect them to be there!

    You’re much better off just editing your theme file(s), or filtering out categories on the front-end (ask if you need help on that).

    For example, in your theme’s index.php and single.php, you might have something like;

    filed under: <?php the_category( ', ' ); ?>.

    Just remove it and you’re done!

  2. Pretty easy. Here’s a Plugin that will allow you to do the same to all _builtin taxonomies. You will have to uncomment if you want to get some feedback. The second function shows the result in your wp_footer() hook at a priority of 999. It will only show if you got WP_DEBUG turned on, so no reports in live systems 🙂

    You just have to put it into the functions.php file of your theme or upload it as plugin. The meta box on post edit screen disappears magically. Also: tested and works.

  3. Well, from the post side, under screen options I believe you can hide the selection menus. Just for personal/cosmetic reason. Might as well hide them if you arent using them

    As for removing it from displaying you will need to do some form of editing.

    It all depends on your theme though on how to do it. You could simply delete the_category and the_tags (with surrounding text) from some themes in all the templates (index.php, single.php, archive,.php, etc)

    In a theme like twentyten, you would need to edit the twentyten_posted_in function from a child theme
    is an article I wrote about child themes

    It’s hard to give real specific info without knowing the theme, or seeing the underlying code, but these are general tips

    You may also be able to simply hide things if your cats and tags have classes around the using display:none in your css to target them