I know there’s a filter get_post_content that I can hook into, but that only seems to work with get_post_meta, I need to filter individual values of get_post_custom() by checking if the metadata key matches like:
function filter_custom($meta)
foreach($meta as $k => $v)
if ($k === 'some_key') return $v . 'filtered';
add_filter('get_post_custom', 'filter_custom');
Is there a hook for this? if not what would be the best way to accomplish it?
The quickest way to answer this question is to follow the code. See
in Codex. Scroll down to Source Code section:There we’ll see that
, which then callsget_metadata
, which points us to:there we’ll finally see the available filter:
in this case,
is the$meta_type
, so our filter isget_post_metadata