Is that possible to use laravel blade outside the view folder?

I got a wordpress blog inside the public sub folder.

I wanted to use same layout with the laravel view that using blade.

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Is there anyway to achieve that?

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  1. You can define a custom namespace for easier usage:

    // Register your custom namespace in your AppServiceProvider in the boot() method
    view()->addNamespace('custom_views', app_path('custom_path'));
    // usage:
  2. I managed to do this with the following function:

    function bladeCompile ($from, $to, $data)
        $fs = new IlluminateFilesystemFilesystem;
        $b = new IlluminateViewCompilersBladeCompiler($fs, __DIR__);
        $src = $b->compileString (file_get_contents($from));
        $isPhp = false;
        if (substr( $src, 0, 5 ) === "<?php")
            $isPhp = true;
            $src = substr($src, 5);
        $tempFileName = tempnam("/tmp", "blade-compile");
        file_put_contents($tempFileName, $src);
        include $tempFileName;
        $out = ob_get_clean();
        if ($isPhp)
            $out = '<?php'.$out;
        file_put_contents($to, $out);

    And then use with:

    $data = array ( // equivalent to the 'with' function.
        'parameter' => 'value';
    bladeCompile ('input.blade.file', 'result.file', $data);