I want to give linebreak on WordPress theme’s description in style.css
(the one in here):
Theme Name:
Theme URI:
Author URI:
But it appears the formatting doesn’t allow any linebreak. When I tried writing on the line below it, the text won’t appear. I tried adding /n
as a mean to add linebreak, but the /n/
wasn’t read as linebreak.
Is it not possible to add linebreaks in WordPress theme’s description? I think linebreaks may be useful when theme designer wants to outline something in points/bullets (what I’ve been trying; that is I want to outline several features of the theme).
Sorry, to say – the question is valid, but I can’t come up with a longer answer. Wouldn’t make sense to explain the internals on this topic 🙂
According to WP Source code you can add some HTML to your description:
, but no elements with thedisplay: block
do not work.No way to add a line break, but possible to make it look nicer with HTML elements mentioned above.