Intergrating agile carousel to wordpress: how to write the ajax_callback function

json is totally new to me how to write an ajax_callback function for agile carousel to work in wordpress? Below is the jason data format that I need to write as php arrays for it could be parsed by $.getJSON() function.

      "content": "<div class='slide_inner'><a class='photo_link' href='#'><img class='photo' src='slides/slide_3.png' alt='Bike'></a><a class='caption' href='#'></a></div>",
      "content_button": "<div class='thumb'><img src='slides/f2_thumb.jpg' alt='bike is nice'></div><p> Place Holder</p>"
}, {
      "content": "<div class='slide_inner'><a class='photo_link' href='#'><img class='photo' src='slides/slide_4.png' alt='Bike'></a><a class='caption' href='#'></a></div>",
      "content_button": "<div class='thumb'><img src='slides/f2_thumb.jpg' alt='bike is nice'></div><p> Place Holder</p>"

Or do I even have to convert the data into php arrays?

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  1. So I see you’re referring and attempting to recreate this example:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="agile_carousel.css">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="agile_carousel/agile_carousel.a1.1.js"></script>
        // Code used for "Flavor 2" example (above)
        $.getJSON("agile_carousel/agile_carousel_data.php", function(data) {
                    // required settings
                    carousel_data: data,
                    carousel_outer_height: 330,
                    carousel_height: 230,
                    slide_height: 230,
                    carousel_outer_width: 480,
                    slide_width: 480,
                    // end required settings
                    transition_type: "fade",
                    transition_time: 600,
                    timer: 3000,
                    continuous_scrolling: true,
                    control_set_1: "numbered_buttons,previous_button,
                    ... (continues on same line)... pause_button,next_button",
                    control_set_2: "content_buttons",
                    change_on_hover: "content_buttons"

    The carousel is being created using the data parameter in the JSON AJAX callback.

    However, carousel_data requires a data object, it doesn’t require that it comes from a call to $.getJSON(). Instead you could define the json object there, like:

    carousel_data: [{
    "content": "<div class='slide_inner'><a class=' continues... ",
    "content_button": "<div class='thumb'><img src=' coninues... "
    }, {
    ... add more object members as needed
    // See
    // for complete data

    Even further, you can generate the necessary data in PHP, and then localise it using wp_localize_script, and WordPress will include it in the header:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'some_handle' );
    $translation_array = array(
    'some_string' => __( 'Some string to translate' ), 'a_value' => '10'
    wp_localize_script( 'some_handle', 'object_name', $translation_array ); ?> 

    IMPORTANT!: wp_localize_script() MUST be called after the script it’s
    being attached to has been enqueued. It doesn’t put the localized
    script in a queue for later queued scripts.

    You can access the variables in JavaScript as follows:

    alert(object_name.some_string); // alerts 'Some string to translate'

    This should bypass all need for AJAX and custom requests.

    However if you feel you must, look at the WP AJAX API here:

    ( it applies to themes too )