Insert <ul> Into Sub-child Menu

This code displays a list of child categories of the parent category while a user is on a child category or single post.

The styling around this list is displaying even when a list isn’t being generated. Take a look here where you’ll see an empty black box – I’ve colored it black simply to make it stick out. Not relevant, but this code is impacted by another code in my functions.php.

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How do I correctly insert the tags into this code and prevent a list from being generated when no child categories exist?

  $categories = get_the_category();
      echo '<ul style="background:#000">';
  foreach($categories as $category){
      $parent = $category->parent;
      if($category->parent == 0){

      echo '';

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1 comment

  1. Check that you actually have categories before creating the list, and move the lines that echo the <ul> inside the conditional.

    $categories = get_the_category();
    if (!empty($categories)) {
      foreach($categories as $category){
        $parent = $category->parent;
        if($parent != 0){
          echo '<ul style="background:#000">';
          echo '</ul>';

    This will generate multiple lists, not just one.

    Here is a version that echoes only a single <ul>.

    $categories = get_the_category();
    $catli = '';
    if (!empty($categories)) {
      foreach($categories as $category){
        $parent = $category->parent;
        if($category->parent != 0){
          $catli .= wp_list_categories("child_of=$parent&title_li&echo=0");
      if (!empty($catli)) {
        echo '<ul style="background:#000">'.$catli.'</ul>';

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