In WordPress customize preview not work SVG use on Chrome

I have an SVG sprite symbol after my body in my WordPress theme:

<svg style="display:none;" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
   <symbol viewBox="0 0 104 64" id="icon1">...</symbol>
   <symbol viewBox="0 0 64 64" id="icon2">...</symbol>

and block with xlink use

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   <a href="#" target="_blank"><svg><use xlink:href="#icon1"></use></svg></a>
   <a href="#" target="_blank"><svg><use xlink:href="#icon2"></use></svg></a>

It works on normal pages, but these icons are not displayed in Chrome (49.0.2623.112 Mac[64-bit]) when active WordPress customize preview (page load in iframe). In Safari it works everywhere. Is this a Chrome bug or can I fix it?

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1 comment

  1. This seems to be a bug in WordPress with inlined SVG due to the fact that the page is loaded via AJAX in the Customizer.

    If you use an external svg file with a full url it works:

    <use xlink:href="/img/some-sprite.svg#icon1"></use>

    Here is the corresponding trac issue I took this example from:

    But please be aware that using an external source may result in problems with IE. See here for more information on that issue:

    You could also use the WP function is_customize_preview() to test if we are in the Customizer and only use external SVG in that case. Something like this:

    <use xlink:href="<?php echo is_customize_preview()?'/img/some-sprite.svg':''; ?>#icon1"></use>

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