I have created a new image size using the add_image_size(), and I want to have it listed in the media library image size when I insert it. So I have the following code:
add_image_size( "grade-image", 320, 300, true );
function sgr_display_image_size_names_muploader( $sizes ) {
$new_sizes = array(
"0" => "grade-image",
$added_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
// $added_sizes is an indexed array, therefore need to convert it
// to associative array, using $value for $key and $value
foreach( $added_sizes as $key => $value) {
$new_sizes[$value] = $value;
// This preserves the labels in $sizes, and merges the two arrays
$new_sizes = array_merge( $new_sizes, $sizes );
return $new_sizes;
add_filter('image_size_names_choose', 'sgr_display_image_size_names_muploader', 11, 1);
however, it does not show the grade-image size. I tried the commented block to show a list of all image sizes, and it does show some of the other image sizes, but not the grade-image one. I’m really puzzled.
No, that seems to work right. You could test it by doing
try this.
David’s code will probably work but you should not use the add_image_size() function in that way. Check the example below :
Make sure you use the hook ‘after_setup_theme’ to avoid incompatibility errors.