How can i achieve authentication over WordPress?
This is what i tried:
<mount type="normal">
<authentication type="url">
<option name="listener_add" value="http://localhost:90/wordpress/wp-login.php"/>
<option name="auth_header" value="HTTP 200 OK"/>
But in the log files it says:
[2015-01-23 12:08:22] INFO auth_url/auth_url.c client auth (http://localhost:90/wordpress/wp-login.php) failed with “”
It seems that the credentials are not forwarded correctly to wordpress…
You need to match what Icecast sends ( and the WP login form.
I took a brief look at the wordpress default form, it uses:
While Icecast sends:
As I mentioned on IRC, all it should take is to slightly modify wp-login.php to additionally accept those parameters and return a reliable header for login success.
Or even better something like