HTML output from PHP function

I have a function whos purpose is to return some HTML ($offer_html) to display on my page. However, I´m seeing some strange things.

Below you see a div is added first to $offer_html (DIV is closing at the end).

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$offer_html = '<div class="box middle offer alignleft">';
$offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $volum . '</p>';
$offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $produsent . '</p>';
$offer_html .= wpfp_link();
$offer_html .= '</div';

return $offer_html;

My problem is with the function wpfp_link(). The function returns HTML, but this HTML ends up totally misplaced. When the page renders, the HTML looks like this:

<img class="wpfp-img" title="Favorite" alt="Favorite" src="http://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts/img/remove.png">
<div class="box middle offer alignleft">

As you see, the HTML returned by the wpfp_link() ends up outside the DIV which I want it to be inside.

Does anyone know why this happens?

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  1. You wpfp_link() does not return the HTML string, it directly echo’s the string. You’ve to catch that from the output buffer like the following:

    // Turn on outbut buffering
    function your_function()
        // Fill outbut buffer
        // Fetch and clean output buffer
        $wpfp_html = ob_get_clean();
        $offer_html = '<div class="box middle offer alignleft">';
        $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $volum . '</p>';
        $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $produsent . '</p>';
        // Use stuff from output buffer instead of wpfp_link() method.
        $offer_html .= $wpfp_html;
        $offer_html .= '</div';
        return $offer_html;
    // Don't forget to handle active output buffering!
  2. There is another – and I believe better – way to solve this. Looking at the source code of the plugin containing that function (WP Favorite Posts) you can see that the wpfp_link() function accepts various arguments, the first of which is a flag that changes its behavior between printing its output and returning it.

    function wpfp_link( $return = 0, $action = "", $show_span = 1, $args = array() ) {
        global $post;
        $post_id = $post->ID;
        if ($show_span)
            $str = "<span class='wpfp-span'>";
        $str .= wpfp_before_link_img();
        $str .= wpfp_loading_img();
        $wpfp_options = wpfp_get_options();
        if ($action == "remove"):
            $str .= wpfp_link_html($post_id, wpfp_get_option('remove_favorite'), "remove");
        elseif ($action == "add"):
            $str .= wpfp_link_html($post_id, wpfp_get_option('add_favorite'), "add");
        elseif (wpfp_check_favorited($post_id)):
            $str .= wpfp_link_html($post_id, wpfp_get_option('remove_favorite'), "remove");
            $str .= wpfp_link_html($post_id, wpfp_get_option('add_favorite'), "add");
        if ($show_span)
            $str .= "</span>";
        if ($return) { return $str; } else { echo $str; }



    should act as you expected.

    I checked the source code but this is probably documented somewhere in the plugin information.

  3. The wpfp_link function is probably echoing the HTML instead of returning it. You could use output buffering get the HTML as a string.

    $offer_html = '<div class="box middle offer alignleft">';
    $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $volum . '</p>';
    $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $produsent . '</p>';
    $offer_html .= ob_get_clean();
    $offer_html .= '</div';
    return $offer_html;
  4. Try printing out (using echo) the whole string instead.

    echo "<div class="box middle offer alignleft">n<p class="detail alignleft">" . $volum . "</p>n<p class="detail alignleft">" . $produsent . "</p>n" . wpfp_link() . "</div>";
  5. I apologize for answering twice, I noticed a bug with the code for chosen answer. Consider the following code:

    function wpfp_link() {
        static $count = 0;
        echo '<img class="wpfp-img" title="Favorite" alt="Favorite" src="http://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts/img/remove.png">' . ($count++) ."n";
    // Turn on outbut buffering
    function your_function()
        // Fill outbut buffer
        // Fetch and clean output buffer
        $wpfp_html = ob_get_clean();
        $offer_html = '<div class="box middle offer alignleft">';
        $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $volum . '</p>';
        $offer_html .= '<p class="detail alignleft">' . $produsent . '</p>';
        // Use stuff from output buffer instead of wpfp_link() method.
        $offer_html .= $wpfp_html;
        $offer_html .= '</div>';
        return $offer_html;
    // Don't forget to handle active output buffering!
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();
    echo your_function();

    The variable $wpfp_html has a value of false for each call of your_function because output buffering is turned off after ob_end_flush is called. ob_start() needs to be called each time prior to ob_get_clean() for the output buffer to be active.

    I would’ve posted a comment to your answer, Informant but I don’t have a high enough reputation.