.htaccess redirection to a specific page on a different domain

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I’m trying to redirect all page requests on http://kempstonacademy.co.za to http://kempston.co.za/driver-academy

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I’ve used the following in my .htaccess file to redirect to a specific page on another site:
Redirect permanent / http://kempston.co.za/driver-academy

The problem is that when someone browses to any of the pages other than the home page, it redirects to http://kempston.co.za/driver-academy but appends the specified page to the end of the URL. In other words, http://kempstonacademy.co.za/benefits redirects to http://kempston.co.za/driver-academybenefits.

Many thanks for your help.


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  1. Instead of Redirect use RedirectMatch to make sure you always redirect to target page:

    RedirectMatch permanent ^ http://kempston.co.za/driver-academy