I wanted to know if there is a way to use function like query_post() in an ajax call ?
Let’s say i’m calling the file _inc/ajax.php
I want to be abble to use the wordpress functions, but i don’t know why.
Can someone help me for that ?
Thanks a lot 🙂
WordPress provides an Ajax Url that you should use along with a complete Ajax API.
You need to create a jQuery function.
The ajaxurl var is always available on the admin side. If your using it on the front end you need to define it.
Then a PHP function where you can run your query. The PHP function must get attached to the
action is for admin if you need to use it on the front end the action would bewp_ajax_nopriv_your_action
You have to create you function in your themes functions.php
Here is the example for load popular posts using ajax
I highly recommend the JSON API plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/json-api/. It provides a RESTful interface for the most common WordPress functions including
and allows you to add your own actions.