How to use thumbnails as triggers to expand and collapse content with JQuery Masonry on WordPress site

I’m new here, this is my fist question, but I’ve performed research and can’t find the answer.

I’m developing a WordPress site and hacking a template that uses masonry with summaries and thumbnails on a grid on the index page. When you click on an image you’re directed to the post content. This is the theme:

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What I’d like to implement is this:

  1. When the user clicks on the thumbnail, the content is revealed and expanded on the same page. Here’s an example from Up Magazine:

I looked at the JQuery script on this very cool Fiddle (#FS34t). The boxes expand and collapse content on click, but that’s not quite what I have in mind for this site. Will definitely implement on another.

I thought it would be an easy show /hide function, but each image is linked to a specific post using the same “content” div. How would I use an image in a masonry grid as the trigger for an expand/collapse of content of the respective post — as in the Up Magazine sample?

Thank you for reading.

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  1. I would add the_content to the post div in its own child div. Then hide that div in the css.

    Then I would create a function that opens up that div [I’d use jQuery slideDown()]. The function would also include the masonry reload method [.masonry( ‘reload’ )] in that function.

    I would then bind that function to a click on the div, or perhaps the post thumbnail.

    Very roughly:


    <div class="post">
    <?php the_post_thumbnail() ?>
    <div class="excerpt"><?php the_excerpt() ?></div>
    <div class="post-content"><?php the_content() ?></div>

    the css {
    display: none;


    $('.classofpostthumbnail').click(function() {

    However my js could definitely be improved. [For starters chain the slides with their callbacks so that all the animations run after each other. And of course your html and css will probably be a lot more complicated.