how to use thickbox in admin?

I would like to show my retrieved content form my classes method in thickbox. How could I do this? I have been adding the proper id to my desired hyperlink but all of the admin body is getting parsed inside of the thickbox.

<a href="?page=blahblah&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550" class="thickbox">Click</a>

class myAdmin {

    public function __construct() {


    public function myfunction() {    
        echo '<div class="css_class">The content of my thickbox</div>';    


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  1. Below, an example of what’s needed to use ThickBox.

    <a href="#" id="taxonomy_banner_image" class="taxonomy_banner_image"> 
    Click Here
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {   
        jQuery("#taxonomy_banner_image").click(function() {                 
            tb_show("", "filename?TB_iframe=true");
            return false;

    tb_show parameters:

    1. title of the box.
    2. url of file and with parameter iframe=true

    I think this will give you an idea how to use the ThickBox. If you face any problem, let me know.