I’m trying to create an external php script outside of wordpress to manage posts in a custom backoffice (using Symfony2).
So far everything works fine. I just want to know how to set a post thumbnail manually by uploading a picture and registering its informations directly into WordPress database, means :
- Which upload dir to use
- Which post type
- post status
- The maining of postMime
- Metas to add
- …etc
In general I just want to know how to register a post thumbnail manually without using WordPress functions.
Any ideas ?
Thank you !
To do this, you must create manually the postmeta _wp_attachment_metadata which is a serialized array.
$file = $form->getData();
$thumb = $file[‘logo’];
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($thumb);
building the array from the thumb charactéristics:
$meta_data_value = array();
$meta_data_value[‘width’] = $width;
$meta_data_value[‘height’] = $height;
$meta_data_value[‘file’] = $slug.’.’.$ext;
$sizes = array();
$sizes[‘thumbnail’] = array(‘file’ => $slug.’.’.$ext,’width’ => 125,’height’ => 150,’mime-type’ => $mime);
$sizes[‘medium’] = array(‘file’ => $slug.’.’.$ext,’width’ => 250,’height’ => 300,’mime-type’ => $mime);
$meta_data_value[‘sizes’] = $sizes;
$meta_data_value[‘image_meta’] = array(‘aperture’ => 0,’credit’ => ”,’camera’ => ”,’caption’ => ”,’created_timestamp’ => 0,’copyright’ => ”,’focal_length’ => 0,’iso’ => 0,’shutter_speed’ => 0,’title’ => ”);
$meta_data_value = serialize($meta_data_value);
Finally adding the postmeta with Doctrine :
$meta_data = new PostMeta();
$meta_data->setPost($logo);// supposing that you create the post $logo