How to upload a files in WordPress custom page template?

I have a custom page template. This template have a custom form that user can upload a file. Now, the uploaded file/s will not upload in the MySQL but in the file system/local folder (local computer).

I already have a PHP snippet, but the code is not working I’m getting an errors.

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How to fix this?


    $lastName = isset($_POST['lastName']) ? $_POST['lastName'] : '';
    $resumeFile = isset($_FILE['resumeFile']['name']) ? $_FILE['resumeFile']['name']: '';

$info = pathinfo($_FILES['resumeFile']['name']);
$ext = $info['extension'];
$file_rename= $lastName.$ext; 

$target = 'C://xampp/htdocs/files/'.$file_rename;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['resumeFile']['tmp_name'], $target);


Notice: Undefined index: resumeFile .... on line 130
Notice: Undefined index: extension .... on line 131
Notice: Undefined index: resumeFile .... on line 135

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1 comment

  1. Try the following snippet, to upload files on different directory other than default uploads directory.

    function change_my_upload_directory( $dir ) {
        return array (
            'path'   => WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/your-custom-dir',
            'url'    => $dir['baseurl'] . '/wp-content/your-custom-dir',
            'subdir' => '/your-custom-dir',
        ) + $dir;   
    if( isset( $_FILES[ "resumeFile" ] ) ) {
        if ( !function_exists( 'wp_handle_upload' ) ) {
            require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
        // Overrides the uploads directory location
        add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'change_my_upload_directory' );       
        $movefile = wp_handle_upload( $_FILES[ "resumeFile" ], array( 'test_form' => false ) ); 
        // Remove the filter, so that subsequant uploads will be dsent to default uploads directory
        remove_filter( 'upload_dir', 'change_my_upload_directory' );
        return $movefile;
    return false;

    wp_handle_upload will return an object which contains the following properties

    $movefile[ 'file' ] // uploaded file object
    $movefile[ 'url' ] // current url ( file location ) of the file
    $movefile[ 'type' ] // uploaded file type

    If wp_handle_upload fails it will return error object, you can check for failed upload like this

    if( isset( $movefile[ 'error' ] ) ) {
        // handle the error

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