How to update a post custom value in wordpress/woocommerce

I have a custom fields that I have to update in the woocommerce shopping cart, when the user completes his order

the following function:

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$moreinfo_values = get_post_meta($_product->id,'more_info_data');

gets me the array:

        [0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [m] => NSW
                        [o] => Sydney
                        [d] => Something
                        [p] => Array
                                [0] => 13/08/2015
                                [1] => 14/08/2015

                        [n] => 9am - 4pm
                        [f] => 20

                [1] => Array
                        [m] => SA
                        [o] => Adelaide
                        [d] => Hotel SA 5000
                        [p] => Array
                                [0] => 02/04/2015

                        [n] => 9am - 4pm
                        [f] => 12



I need to update [f] => 12 with the following function:

update_post_meta( $_product->id, 'more_info_data', 'f', '100'  );

But I dont seem to figure it out how this function works.

I really appreciate your help on advance

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1 comment

  1. Based on your updates i created simple function which doing update_post_meta, as per my knowledge i don’t see any option to update the value using your function like update_post_meta( $_product->id, 'more_info_data', 'f', '100' );

    You can make the condition inside the function update_custom_post_meta_data for your wish,am not sure doesn’t know the exactly which data to split the condition as common and hence it is up to you.

    so i created alternate function like

    function update_custom_post_meta_data($id, $meta_name, $array_key, $array_value) {
        // Get the data from meta name
        $get_meta_data = get_post_meta($id, $meta_name, true);
        $new_array = array();
        foreach ($get_meta_data as $key => $values) {
            if (isset($values[$array_key])) {
                $values[$array_key] = $array_value;
            $new_array[$key] = $values;
        update_post_meta($id, $meta_name, $new_array);

    You can use this function by replacing the function name of your existing one to this one

    update_custom_post_meta_data( $_product->id, 'more_info_data', 'f', '100'  );

    It will works for your requirements.


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