How to switch language in WordPress “on-the-fly”

Is there a way like switch_to_blog() for switching the language in WordPress.

Something like

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global $locale
$currentLanguage = $locale;

//do some action with german localisation


Is this possible in general with WordPress?

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  1. So I finally found the solution. The function is called load_textdomain()

    This is how it’s done on my side. Keep in mind to define LANGUAGE_PATH and the language you would like to switch to in $new_language. $your_domain is the text domain of your plugin/theme

    //will output "Good Morning"
    _e('Good Morning', $your_domain);
    global $locale;
    //save the current language for later
    $current_language = $locale;
    $new_language = 'DE_de';
    //load the new text domain
    load_textdomain( $your_language_domain, LANGUAGE_PATH.'/'.$your_domain.'-'.$new_language.'.mo' );
    //do some action with the new localisation
    //will output "Guten Morgen"
    _e('Good Morning', $your_domain);
    //go back to the previous language
    load_textdomain( $your_language_domain , LANGUAGE_PATH.'/'.$your_domain.'-'.$current_language.'.mo' );

    Took a while to find this method in the core. Read more about that function on the codex site

  2. I’m afraid you’re going to need a plugin for that. WordPress doesn’t do that out of the box.
    WPML is usually the go-to multi-lingual plugin for WordPress, you should check it out 🙂