I need to get video and content from recent posts in specific category called “Video” and show it on my sidebar.
The problem is when I need to have limited text content. so, when I use the_content();
I can see video within sidebar, but when I use the_excerpt();
to limit text, video is gone.
The code I have is doing what I need with posts and categories but I’m stuck here:
<?php query_posts('cat=6&showposts=2'); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Tho, I have one more content limit function that I can use in my function.php but as I am new at WordPress and PHP, I don’t know what to do next and could use any help that you can offer.
function content($num, $more_link_text = '(more...)') {
$theContent = get_the_content($more_link_text);
$output = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+./','', $theContent);
$output = strip_shortcodes($output);
$output = strip_tags($output);
$output = preg_replace("/[caption.*[/caption]/", '', $output);
$limit = $num+1;
$content = explode(' ', $output, $limit);
$content = implode(" ",$content);
echo ($content) . "...";
with <?php content(8); ?>
that I’m calling in my Loop. This do what I need with content limitation, but still doesn’t show video.
If you’re video embeds are always the same, I like the solution proposed by 5wpthemes, but if you want to avoid having to use a custom field ( and more specifically, remembering to do it), you could also try the code below ( which also requires the code to be very similar in every post ).
In youy loop just past this snippet of code.
Replace 10 with any number you want.
Tell me if it works.
Adding Video from youtube.(I didn’t try from other chanels)
Add a new custom field and name it for ex. VIDEO
Add the code to incorporate video in the value Field like this:
If your code is:
Extract the src=âvalueâ and paste this to your custom field value.
Here is an working sample:
Also you can use excerpt custom field to call the excerpt in your loop and limit how much you want.