How to show all folders from SVN plugin repo?

I have been approved for a repo on the site for a new plugin I created. I am testing out Tower to see if it will work for me and allow Git as well as SVN version control.

I have created the repo in Tower it shows Master but there are other folders in the WP repo specifically “assets” that I can’t seem to get to appear in the app.

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Shouldn’t this appear as a branch? (I’m new to version control so forgive me if I am unclear or use wrong terminology)

I just assumed that I would see all the branches (assets, tags, trunk, branches) yet all I see is Trunk. This is version one so I expect to see no tags.

I believe I have the SVN directory set up correctly:

Trunk: reftagger-shortcode/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
Branches: reftagger-shortcode/branches/*:refs/remotes/*;reftagger-shortcode/assets/*:refs/remotes/*
Tags: reftagger-shortcode/tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/* 

And they appear correct in the git/config too.

Here is a link to a Tower screenshot

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  1. The WordPress FAQ states:

    Screenshot image files should ideally be put in the assets/ directory (which you’ll likely need to create) in the root of your SVN checkout.
    This will be on the same level as tags/ and trunk/, for example.

    Alternatively, screenshots can be put in the directory of the tagged stable release (trunk/ or the stable tag directory) (the old way).

    The assets/ directory is preferred since the screenshots won’t be packaged in the plugin’s release zip files, saving unnecessary bloat for each download.


    • SVN folder can be considered branches
    • Git only shows you the content of one checked out branch at a time

    If you have followed the first option for assets/ folder, the SVN repo once converted in a Git repo would consider assets as a branch (or would ignore it completely, having only converted trunk into a master branch).
    Note that you can import separate SVN directories as git branches, if some of those SVN folders (like assets/) are missing.

    Hence asset/ being not visible.