How to show a under construction page for a domain but still be able to work on index.php?

I installed a WordPress for a domain name. When I use this domain name will point to index.php in my template. I want show a under construction page for this domain name, but the other hand I still want work on index.php in my template.

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  1. You can filter template_include and include a special file for users who are not logged in:

    /* Plugin Name: T5 Under Construction */
    add_filter( 'template_include', 't5_uc_template' );
    function t5_uc_template( $template )
        $uc_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/under-construction.php';
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
            return $uc_template;
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) )
            return $uc_template;
        return $template;

    The file under-construction.php could be a plain HTML file; it doesn’t have to be a PHP file.

  2. The simplest workaround would be to just add the static content in a new index.html file in the root, and the server should read the .html before the .php

  3. You can restrict depending on the IP address and Htaccess file.

    <Files index.php>
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from

    where is your ip address.

  4. Use maintenance mode plugin. Activate it. Once activate login as admin and you can only view your site. Other users can see maintenance message.