How to set up WordPress in the intranet?

I have been looking for an answer for long time now and have tried on a few alternatives too, but still I am unable to do it.

What? : I want to set up WordPress on the intranet in my workplace most likely using buddypress to set up a community. I just don’t know how.

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What are the restrictions at my workplace? : We don’t have any access to the internet. Nothing. Its a super secure workplace (or so they want to make it). So I want a method to set up the whole thing using offline executables, preferably using open source frameworks/tools.

What have I tried doing till now? : I have tried using bitnami wordpress multisite. But I still fail to host the website for the public. Locally, it works fine. I am also acquainted with WAMP, but not sure how to host a website so that everyone can see it in the intranet using WAMP. I tried using IIS and found it supremely confusing. I found Windows platform installer that, as I read, does the work, but as I said, I have no internet connectivity at my workplace.

Can anyone suggest a way out to host a multisite WordPress buddypress website on the intranet and help me move on from the stagnancy I have been for months now.


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  1. I recommend (and use myself) XAMPP located here LINK, which will allow you to run a web-server on a machine of choice.

    Once you setup XAMPP, you would install WordPress or WordPress with Multisite (enabled) just like you would any other WordPress installation on a website host.

    You have full control over your server (run out of a folder of choice) and you also have full control over the MySQL server for which you need to create a database/username/password to give to WordPress during the setup process.

    If you plan on having a machine that is always on then that’s your best solution. I use and countless others do to, for local development.

    XAMPP also comes with a handy control panel that sits in your system tray for which to control the server (start/stop Apache and MySQL);

    XAMPP Control Panel Application

  2. I was looking for this solution, but I could not find how to run Apache server on a LAN. If you restrict your site, you can use .htaccess IP block.

    For example, if your IP is, you can access the site from your IP this way:

    order deny,allow  
    deny from all  
    allow from