How to set default status to custom post type

When I save my custom post_type ‘product’, I’d like to set their status to my custom status ‘incomplete’.

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  1. Hook wp_insert_post_data filter to force a post status to be set as incomplete before it can be set as published. With the following code only a post that is set as incomplete can be saved:

    add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'prevent_post_change', 20, 2 );
    function prevent_post_change( $data, $postarr ) {
        if ( ! isset($postarr['ID']) || ! $postarr['ID'] ) return $data;
        if ( $postarr['post_type'] !== 'product' ) return $data; // only for products
        $old = get_post($postarr['ID']); // the post before update
        if (
            $old->post_status !== 'incomplete' &&
            $old->post_status !== 'trash' && // without this post restoring from trash fail
            $data['post_status'] === 'publish' 
        ) {
            // set post to incomplete before being published
            $data['post_status'] = 'incomplete';
        return $data;

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