How to set back-end language per user?

I would like to use the english interface for the back-end but I would like to set it to native language for an editor. I know WPML has this feature, but I don’t want to install the unsupported WPML just for this reason.

What I am looking is a tiny plugin which gives a switchbox for the user profile page for setting the back-end language. Is there such a plugin?

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  1. Starting with WordPress 4.1 (maybe even earlier, I don’t know) this functionality is built-in (no need for a plugin). Simply:

    1. Download the language pack of your choice from
    2. extract the content into wp-content/languages (create the languages folder if it does not exist yet)
    3. Done!

    Logon as the editor who needs a different language, and go to his/her profile and set the Admin Language.

  2. The plugin that you need is “Admin Language Per User”.

    1. Download the language pack of your choice from
    2. Extract the content into wp-content/languages (create the languages folder if it does not exist yet)
    3. Install and activate this plugin: (Compatible up to: 4.5.2)
    4. Login as admin user, go to your profile page (, change the “Site language” field.

    In this way you are changing just the language of the backoffice for your user.