No one of a “top 5” plugins that I try, use the image-captions of the media library…
How to setup WordPress (or plugins) to use/reuse this standard caption?
Media library standard caption is the caption in the standard interface:
After you select Edit in List View (or select the image in Grid View) the Edit Media page will load, allowing you to change the default Title, Alternate Text, Caption, and Attachment Page Content
If that caption is a metafield or st that can be queried by id; maybe some of the plugins have filter/action (or add one?) that can manipulate title to be whatever you like?
Modify whatever plugin you are currently using to add custom code like below. Note, we will have to make adjustment to below code as per the plugin. This is just an example :
Edit 1: Let us take Photo-Gallery Plugin as the example and try to see what are the options we have to implement changes to reflect your desire result. The above plugin is based on Model View Controller. Also when you install the plugin, it creates own set up tables to maintain info about the Gallery, Theme, Images etc.
So the one better option to start with could be, you made your changes in the respective frontend model and view frontend/models/BWGModelSlideshow.php. I recommend you give special attention to the method
public function get_image_rows_data($id, $sort_by, $order_by = 'asc', $bwg)
in the above model.And also go through the table structure for the
in photo-gallery/photo-gallery.php before you plan your actual implementation.