I’m working on a custom filter in WordPress and just need help sorting this array in reverse order:
add_filter('relevanssi_hits_filter', 'order_the_results');
function order_the_results($hits) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->query_vars['orderby'] == 'likes') {
$likes = array();
foreach ($hits[0] as $hit) {
$likecount = get_post_meta($hit->ID, '_likes', true);
if (!isset($likes[$likecount])) $likes[$likecount] = array();
array_push($likes[$likecount], $hit);
$sorted_hits = array();
foreach ($likes as $likecount => $year_hits) {
$sorted_hits = array_merge($sorted_hits, $year_hits);
$hits[0] = $sorted_hits;
return $hits;
I’m not too familiar with ksort, but it doesn’t seem to have a ASC/DESC option.