How To Remove The Author(s) From Certain Posts

There are certain posts on the website I’m developing, that don’t need the author(s) by-line. (such as press releases)

Is there any method, that allows me to remove the author (and co-authors) for certain posts?

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  1. A quick fix would be to use WP’s body class and in your stylesheet target the element containing the autor name to hide it for the page(s) you want.

    For example :

    .page-id-227 #my_authors{ display: none }

    Update :

    Another solution would be to use conditional tags in your templates, to print the author names only on wanted pages.

  2. Thanks to mike23’s suggestion, I solved my problem with conditional tags.

    Just insert the following in the author area of single.php, archive.php and any other page template that displays an author.

    <?php if ( has_tag('press-releases') ) {
          echo '';
    } else { 
          echo 'by '; the_author_posts_link();

    Using the above code, you can remove the author name on all posts tagged press-releases.

    All posts without the tag press-releases will retain their author name.