How to remove a WordPress action which uses the current object – $this?

I’m familiar with remove_action when removing an action in WordPress.

To create the action:
add_action( 'action_hook', 'function_name', 10, 3 );

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To remove the action:
remove_action( 'action_hook', 'function_name', 10, 3 );

But how can I remove an action which uses the current object? e.g $this

add_action( 'some_action_hook', array( $this, 'some_function' ) );


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  1. Inside class

    add_action( 'some_action_hook', array( $this, 'some_function' ) );

    Outside class,

    With use of global vairable:

    global $my_class;
    remove_action( 'some_action_hook', array( $my_class, 'some_function' ) );

    Using class name:

    remove_action( 'some_action_hook', array( 'MyClass', 'some_function' ) );


  2. To extend on Rikesh answer: Sadly, using class name will not work. As it says on

    If an action has been added from within a class, for example by a
    plugin, removing it will require accessing the class variable.

    This leaves only:

    global $my_class;
    remove_action( 'some_action_hook', array( $my_class, 'some_function' ) );

    Or in case of a singleton class like Jetpack to remove the ‘show_development_mode_notice’ hook (for example) like this:

    remove_action( 'jetpack_notices', array( Jetpack::init(), 'show_development_mode_notice' ) );