How to prepare all urls for a transfer from: Domain/ftpfolder/page to domain2/page?

Right now I’m bulding a wordpress website on my server. Urls are
Problem that I have is that I’m going to have to transfer this website to the client’s server and links will be like this

WordPress Address & Site URL can fix this easily, however, not all links in the website will be changed as some of them are entered manually. I did the test already.

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My question is: How do I write all images/pages links in order to be ready for the transfer?

I thought I could name all of them <a href="./page"> but this creates mistakes for some links.

For eg. I have to some images in a page called “expertise”:

I want each image to link to a specific product (wordpress portfolio), for example:
If I use <a href="./portfolio/products1">, then the link becomes: which doesn’t work because /expertise/portfolio doesn’t exist as mentioned two lines above (because I’m using wordpress pages and portfolios, so categories are bypassed)

So should I write all my links:… and then replace this by… in the database? If yes, how do I do it?
Or is there another technique I’m not aware of to simplify my links?
Or should I rethink the way my content is organised, but I’m not sure how.

Hope this makes sense, sorry for my bad English. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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