How to make a bilingual front-end post using the plugin WP User Frontend and Polylang or qTranslate?

I’m implementing a bilingual blog site (English and Japanese). It contains front-end user posting and user registration. So, I used WP User Frontend. For multilingual content, I tried qTranslate and Polylang.

Polylang is one language per post. qTranslate is all languages in a single post. Both are nice and language-selection for posting is implemented in the Admin.

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I could have created a basic front-end posting form according to the installation guide of WP User Frontend. I have facing two problems:

  1. Which one is better for front-end user posting – Polylang or qTranslate?
  2. How can I implement a language selection entry for front-end user posting?

I found the two functions:

  • WPUF_Add_Post->submit_post() in wp-user-front-end/wpuf-add-post.php
  • PLL_Admin_Filters_Post->save_post() in polylang/admin/admin-filters-post.php.

I could add a custom field “Language” for the fontend posting form of WP User Frontend and then I could make those two functions running in combination. I’m new to wordpress and I don’t know how to implement this.

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