How to List Parent Term Links for Custom Taxonomy With & Without Children?

I have a Custom Post Type of “projects”, that is categorized by a Custom Taxonomy of “industry”, which is heirarchical. Projects & sub-projects are assigned to the industries. For Example, the “Academic” industry contains, three sub-industries of, University, Community College, & K-12. I need to display the list of projects.

For Example:

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  -Community College
     -- Gordon Elementery
     -- West Lake High School
          --- Gymnasium
          --- Admin Building
          --- Cafeteria
     -- Jefferson Elementary

Right now, it lists all projects including the subprojects

Basically, if the term has no “sub-terms” it links to the single.php for that term. I also need it to just list the parent term, should that term have “sub-terms” or child terms.

I’ve played around with get_term_children() but just can’t seem to figure out how to work this out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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  1. Here is some basic setup for the function that MavBzh mentioned.

    $args = array(
        'title_li'          => '',
        'taxonomy'          => 'industry',
        'show_option_none'  => '',
    <ul><?php wp_list_categories( $args ); ?></ul>