How to install wordpress with MariaDB?

I am trying to install wordpress on my nginx + mariadb

First step of: pointing my url to

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is throwing following error:

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

I hope many other people are using wordpress with mariadb.


Using WNMP for bundle installation of ( Nginx + MariaDB + PHP )

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  1. Maybe this helps you, its for Windows 7. Here are the steps

    Get the files

    Download only the compressed files which do not require installation to use the programs

    1. get the Xeoncross’ WNMP
    2. get memcached
    3. get MySQL
    4. get nginx
    5. get PHP
    6. get phpMyAdmin
    7. get wordpress

    Place the files

    1. extract the content of WNMP to d:wemp
    2. extract the memcached.exe to d:wempmemcached
    3. extract the contents of MySQL to d:wempMySQL
    4. extract the contents of nginx to d:wempnginx
    5. extract the content of PHP to d:wempPHP
    6. extract the content of phpMyAmdin to d:wempwwwphpMyAdmin
    7. extract the content of wordpress to d:wempwwwwordpress


    1. for MySQL, rename d:wempMySQLmy-small.ini to my.ini
    2. for NginX, copy d:wempexample.nginx.conf to d:wempnginxconf, rename nginx.conf to nginx.conf.bak and rename example.nginx.conf to nginx.conf
    3. for PHP, rename d:wempPHPphp.ini – development to php.ini
    4. open the php.ini file in a text editor, remove the ; preceeding extension_dir = "ext"
    5. remove the ; preceeding cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
    6. remove the ; preceeding extension=php_mbstring.dll
    7. remove the ; preceeding extension=php_mysql.dll, save the file


    1. run d:wempstart_server.bat to start running, a few command prompt windows will pop up and disappear

    Confirm they are running

    1. open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc
    2. check php-cgi.exe, memcached.exe, mysqld.exe, nginx.exe are running
    3. run the following command in command prompt to change the root password of MySQL d:wempmysqlbinmysqladmin -u root password hereIsYourPassword
    4. If face problem starting mysqld.exe than look the error in d:wempmysqldataerr.log

    Test the server and install WordPress

    1. start a browser (make sure there is no proxy)
    2. visit http://localhost/
    3. see the WNMP success page
    4. visit http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/
    5. log in with username root, password hereIsYourPassword!
    6. create a database with the name wordpress
    7. visit http://localhost/wordpress/
    8. start the famous 5 mins installation of wordpress
  2. mariadb is 100% compatible with the mysql interface in php
    i think you’re missing the module for php

    depending on the distribution you’re using i’d say do a

    sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd

    you can make sure the mysql mod is enabled by doing a phpinfo();

    when running php5-fpm with nginx make sure the module is enabled at the right place
