I am using the feedwordpress plugin. How does one get access to all the feeds content to put it into a string php variable before output? I figure it would be easier done by accessing the post loop for the theme(which is “twentyfourteen”) but I have been messing around with it for hours and nothing changes. Or maybe thats not the post loop “wp-contentthemestwentyfourteen”. I am new to feedwordpress so still can’t understand how to manipulate it from that end. I would be good to get the content into the hands of php to further filter it before output. Thanks
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It appears that the content of rss feeds have to go through either get_the_content or the_content() to post to the main area. Both of these functions are located here:wp-includes/post-template.php. get_the_cotent() so look for:
and then where it says
return $output;
just above the ‘}’ you can add $myvariable = $output.The feeds are now in $myvariable so you can do whatever you want with it.