How to get post_id by multi meta_value with sql query

if have a post,

id = 10

meta_key = size
meta_value = xxl

meta_key = color
meta_value = red

how can i get this post_id with sql like this

$my_post_id = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare( " SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_value = 'xxl' "),'ARRAY_A');

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  1. Your base query for that would be

    SELECT post_id 
      FROM wp_postmeta 
     WHERE meta_key   IN ('size', 'color')
       AND meta_value IN ('xxl', 'red')
     GROUP BY post_id
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT meta_key)   = 2 
       AND COUNT(DISTINCT meta_value) = 2

    Here is SQLFiddle demo