I am trying to incorporate author avatars into my posts by doing <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('ID'), 150 ); ?>
but I can’t go larger than 50x50px without it getting stretched (since the image is only 50x50px). It is using the BuddyPress thumbnail of the avatar.
How can I get it to use a larger thumbnail version or is there another function I can try?
I found the function that makes up bp_post_author_avatar() and then changed the type to full. Place this funtion in functions.php and use the new function to call the post author avatar in the template.
I am not an expert on BuddyPress specifically, but I believe that BP has a specified function :
you can also ovverride by adding code to a functions file or add a file bp-custom.php to the wp-content/plugins folder to change image sizes
Avatar specific settings can be changed:
So try tot change those settings and see if it helps
you can try to use
– bp has some kind of “custom-loop” that goes something like this :but in any case, try first to ovveride the defaults like described above, it will also help to identify the problem source .
If you want you can take a look at this post..