How to get gravatar url alone

I would like to use gravatar image as background image for a button. When i use get_avatar function it returns with height width src parameters.

But i need only gravatar url.
I mean like

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Can anyone tell me how?

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  1. Just generate the URL yourself. It’s just a hash of the user’s email address.

    function get_gravatar_url( $email ) {
        $hash = md5( strtolower( trim ( $email ) ) );
        return '' . $hash;

    This function requires that you pass the user’s email address in … but you could do anything you need to programatically grab the user’s address.

  2. Look at how it is implemented here:

    Additionally check out the very simple Gravatar API:

    You can try to hook into the get_avatar filter and preg_match against the 'src' like so:

    add_filter( 'get_avatar', function( $avatar ) {
        if ( preg_match( '# src='(.*)' #U', $avatar, $matches ) )
            $some_globally_accessible_var = $matches[1];
        return $avatar;
    } );

    The some_globally_accessible_var would be an instance variable or some static variable, global.