how to get current user name by user_id in buddypress?

I want to display the user names by the reference of user id.

Is there any function like get_user_displaynme($userid)?
(and one more Is there any shortcode to get group names?)

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  1. You can use the very same get_userdata function of WordPress to code a specific function. Stick this in your functions.php:

    function get_display_name($user_id) {
        if (!$user = get_userdata($user_id))
            return false;
        return $user->data->display_name;

    So you can do something like:

    $display_name = get_display_name($some_user_id);
    echo $display_name;
  2. This may not be an answer to this question, but in the end I reached for this question when I am looking for a way to fetch the display name for the user through the ID

    $user_displayname = get_user_by( 'id', $userid )->display_name ;

    So maybe someone else may benefit from my answer