How to get and use the the number of days since the last comment?

How would I achieve this condition …

    if lastest comment is < 7 days old 
        echo 'New Comment';
    else ''

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  1. To get the latest comment use get_comments().
    get_comment_date returns the date of a comment in any format for PHP’s date().

    Now it is easy. Let’s put the logic into a function to keep the global namespace clean:

     * Returns the number of days since the latest comment.
     * @return int
    function get_days_since_last_comment( $post_id = 0 )
        $args = array (
                'number' => 1,
                'status' => 'approve'
        0 !== $post_id and $args['post_id'] = (int) $post_id;
        // Array of comment objects.
        $latest_comment = get_comments( $args );
        // No comments found.
        if ( ! $latest_comment )
            return -1;
        $comment_unix = get_comment_date( 'U', $latest_comment[0]->comment_ID );
        return round( ( time() - $comment_unix ) / 86400 );

    Add the function to your plugin or to your theme’s functions.php.

    To display a special message:

    if ( get_days_since_last_comment() > 7 )
        print 'Looks like everything has been said.';

    To get the days for a specific post (here ID 123) :

    if ( get_days_since_last_comment( 123 ) > 7 )
        print 'Looks like everything has been said.';