I need to get all sub-posts of a specific (root) parent id.
get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'microsite', 'post_parent' => $root_parent_id, 'suppress_filters' => false ) );
WP-Codex: get_post() function has the post_parent but no child_of parameter.
The advantage of the function
in combination with the
paramenter is “… Note that the child_of parameter will also fetch “grandchildren” of the given ID, not just direct descendants.”*
You will need to loop over those posts and then do more queries for each post, repeating until you find no posts in a query.
Yes the above function calls itself, it’s a recursive function. It will keep calling itself until it reaches down to a point where the post being looked at has no children, then it will return without calling itself, and the whole stack will bubble back up building the array of children. You would do good to do further research in this area.
Note that there is an inherent cost to what you want, regardless of wether you use recursive functions or not, that is tied to how many levels of posts you have. 5 levels of posts will be costlier than 2, and it is not a linear scaling. You may want to use transients to cache your output depending on how you do this.
Another way of reducing the cost is by only looking down the tree of posts a certain number of levels, e.g. grandchildren but no great grandchildren. This can be done by passing in a depth parameter, and decrementing it on each recursive call, making sure to return an empty array at the start if the depth is 0 or lower. Many tutorials on recursive functions use this as an example.
I had a similar requirement but needed to preserve the hierarchy so Tom’s answer gave me a running start:
Now I also needed to traverse through the list with a preserving the order and level.
So to put it all together I have something like:
Simply use
. It works for every post type (not only pages) and is basically what @TomJNowell showed in the other question, but already implemented by core.Above sample is like in Codex. That’s why you can simply take the global query object (or any other query object) to be used as search base.
Use next shortcode to display all children and grandchildren in hierarchical view.
Usage: [my_children_list] or [my_children_list page_id=123]
Just in case someone stumbles upon this and decides to implement the chosen answer,
works with pages and hierarchical post types. Therefore, you can just useget_pages()
with thechild_of