How to fix WordPress dashboard screen option & help button, it’s not working

In my WordPress dashboard “Screen Option” and “Help” button are not pulldown.

Screen Option not working

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Could anybody help me to solve the problem.

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  1. Check if you or a plugin include bootstrap and the bootstrap CSS / Theme files.

    Bootstraps .hidden class looks like:

    .hidden {
      display: none !important;

    But overrides wordpress’ definition of .hidden:

    .hidden {
      display: none;

    The Top ‘Help’ & ‘Screen Options’ bars are displayed via inline style display: block, which is overridden by bootstraps .hidden {display: none !important} css class.

    This can be fixed by rewriting the Top Bars Css via Jquery / JS.

    Working example:

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        $("#contextual-help-link").click(function () {
            $("#contextual-help-wrap").css("cssText", "display: block !important;");
        $("#show-settings-link").click(function () {
            $("#screen-options-wrap").css("cssText", "display: block !important;");

    WordPress Version 4.5.2

    Bootstrap: 3.3.6

  2. I solve this problem after hours of searching. AdBlock hiding this tab in my case.

  3. Right click on the webpage select inspect element. Then select console. Check if gives any error which says jQuery is missing. In my case jQuery files were missing in WordPress migration which I had to add myself.

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