I am trying to create a simple form for a wordpress site. I’ve created a full form and it’s working fine. The code is below.
//Setup an empty array.
$errors = array();
if($_POST["submit"]) {
$to = "myemail@gmail.com";
$subject = "New reservations request";
$hotel = $_POST["hotel_url"];
$sender = $_POST["sendername"];
$senderEmail = $_POST["senderEmail"];
//Check the name and make sure that it isn't a blank/empty string.
if(strlen(trim($sender)) === 0){
//Blank string, add error to $errors array.
$errors[] = "You must enter your name!";
//Make sure that the email address is valid.
if(!filter_var($senderEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
//$email is not a valid email. Add error to $errors array.
$errors[] = "That is not a valid email address!";
echo '<h1 style="color: red">Error(s)!</h1>';
foreach($errors as $errorMessage){
echo $errorMessage . '<br>';
$mailBody = "<table border='1'>
$headers = array('From: '.$_POST['sendername'].' <'.$_POST['senderEmail'].'>');
$mail_sent = wp_mail( $to, $subject, $mailBody, $headers );
if ($mail_sent) {
<p>Request sent</p>
} else {
<form id="" name="" action="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="hotel_url" value="<?php echo get_permalink();?>" />
<div class="section-heading"><h6>Your Details</h6></div>
<div class="label-input-wrapper">
<div class="form-label">Name</div><div class="form-input"><input type="text" name="sendername"/></div>
<div class="label-input-wrapper">
<div class="form-label">E-Mail</div><div class="form-input"><input type="email" name="senderEmail" pattern="[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,4}$" required /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
This code snippet sends the user input as a HTML table to the email. Validation also works fine but the validation errors appear at top of the form.
I want to show the validation errors next to the each field. How can do that using PHP only?
You could add the field name as the key of the $errors array and then do a check after each field. Something like this:
You can do it this way also.