How to display a user’s avatar by user-id in wordpress via shortcode?

I’ve looked through lots of documents, few of them showed a shortcode to display the avatar using user_id.
The closest one is from Github, and it displays the current logged-in user, like this:

function shortcode_user_avatar() {
    if(is_user_logged_in()) { // check if user is logged in
        global $current_user; // get current user's information
        return get_avatar( $current_user -> ID, 24 ); // display the logged-in user's avatar
    else {
      // if not logged in, show default avatar. change URL to show your own default avatar
        return get_avatar( '', 24 );

But this isn’t enough, what I want is to add a parameter for me to choose the userid, and it will end like this:
[display-user-avatar id="user-id"]

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Can anybody show me the way to make it?

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1 comment

  1. I’ve already solve this problem, here is the code:

    function shortcode_user_avatar($atts, $content = null) {
       extract( shortcode_atts( 
               array('id' => '0',), $atts 
       return get_avatar( $user_id, 96 ); // display the specific user_id's avatar  

    Just paste it to theme’s functions.php and enter the shortcode [avatar id="xxx"], and replace “xxx” to the user id.

    It’s actually my first shortcode, and I’m really happy that it’s working!

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