How to customize categories panel?

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how to customize this screen ? example : add new area or remove description section

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  1. First you have to find the right action to hook into. I find it by look into class-wp-posts-list-table.php the columns is in an array so you just have to find the right key and unset it by php-function unset.

    Here is a example that removes all of the columns:

    function wpse_111473_remove_category_columns( $defaults ) 
      unset( $defaults['description'] );    // Description
      unset( $defaults['slug'] );           // Permalink
      unset( $defaults['posts'] );          // Posts count
      return $defaults;
    add_filter( 'manage_edit-category_columns', 'wpse_111473_remove_category_columns' );

    enter image description here

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