How to create shortcodes with function inside function in wordpress

In my theme function.php i am trying to add shortcodes for myHeader, myFooter etc .

Inside myHeader(), myFooter() function i added another function like fn_1(), fn_2(), fn3_() etc these function would be change weekly or monthly basis.

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Is it possible to call a shortcode as written below

function myHeader(){

function myFooter(){
//  fn_3();

add_shortcode('myFooter', 'myHeader');
add_shortcode('myFooter', 'myFooter');

function fn_1(){
    return 'something for 1';

function fn_2(){
    return 'something for 2';

function fn_3(){
    return 'something for 3';

In my post i call my shortcode as [myHeader] and [myFooter]

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  1. It is possible, you just need to return something inside your shortcode methods. Shortcode functions also require some variables, though they don’t actually have to be used.


    function myHeader($atts, $content = null){
       $temp = fn_1();
       return $temp;

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