How to create customised tag for javascript? Or is this something else that I don’t know?

I am working on a multi-language function on wordpress. Each article or page will contain 2 language versions, I need to use a tag to separate them and let my JavaScript knows which section to pull according to the current language option.

I may have something like this in the editor?

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English Content

OK so my question is how to have a function to let javascript to recognise the [] and the text in it? or is this something that can be done in the wordpress API? since I have seen kinds of plugins using this in the article.

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  1. I would advise you don’t create your own tags, but use normal html element with the lang attribute:

    <div lang="en">
       English Content
    <div lang="zh">

    This way you can use the standard css and javascript to work with the content, like this:


    and then you could switch the display via javascript when the chinese language is chosen.

    The universal selector * should be avoided if possible and replaced for a more specific selector.

    Alternatively, if you don’t want to bother your client with html-stuff, let them write these pseudo-tags [english] / [chinese] and convert these after saving into the divs with the according language tags.

    Simple regex for capturing the content of such tags (not failproof!):

    /[english](.*?)[/english]/  // -> content will be in first capturegroup

    Just for fun i coded some tiny example how such a replacement could work:

    Replacement of custom tags into divs with language-id